2013 Personal Challenges

Read more pages than in 2012 (only completed books count)
Final: 26879
Goal: 30021

Have fewer To Be Read books at the end of 2013
Current:  375
# as of 12/31/12: 441
# as of 12/31/13:  375

Read at least 10 books that are being wished for by other members on Paperbackswap.com
Completed October 7, 2013
1. Ravens of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley & Diana L. Paxson
2. Sword of Avalon by Diana Paxson
3. Innocent Blood by Graham Masterton
4. The Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
5. 11/22/63 by Stephen King
6. Dirge by Alan Dean Foster
7. Diuturnity's Dawn by Alan Dean Foster
8. The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell
9. The Blue Ring by A.J. Quinnell
10. Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

Read at least 10 new authors
Completed July 9, 2013
1. Garth Nix
2. Diana L. Paxson
3. Steven Harper
4. Cinda Williams Chima
5. Don & Jay Davis
6. Dorothy Uhnak
7. Elizabeth Letts
8. Margaret Yorke
9. M.I. McAllister
10. Larry Burkett

Author / Title A-Z x 2:
Completed October 1, 2013
I will finish as much of this list as is possible without getting new books

A - Ancestors of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
A - Adversary by Daniel Rhodes
A - Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
A - Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb

B - Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Priestess of Avalon
B - Burkett, Larry; Solar Flare

C - Card, Orson Scott; The Memory of Earth
C - Cornwell, Bernard; The Winter King
C - Crisis on Doona by Anne McCaffrey

D - Dreamer by Steven Harper
D - The Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
D - Dirge by Alan Dean Foster
D - The Deluge Drivers by Alan Dean Foster
D - Drowning World by Alan Dean Foster

E - The End of the Matter by Alan Dean Foster
E - Enemy of God by Bernard Cornwell
E - Excalibur by Bernard Cornwell
E - The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

F - Forest House by Marion Zimmer Bradley
F - Foster, Alan Dean; Nor Crystal Tears
F - Foster, Alan Dean; Diuturnity's Dawn
F - For Love of Mother-Not by Alan Dean Foster
F - Flinx in Flux by Alan Dean Foster

G - Grisham, John; The Testament
G - Grisham, John; The Confession
G - Gilden-Fire by Stephen R. Donaldson

H - Harper, Steven; Trickster
H - Hewson, David; Solstice
H - House of Thunder by Dean Koontz

I - Innocent Blood by Graham Masterton
I - iRobotronic by Bella Street
I - Icerigger by Alan Dean Foster
I - The Illearth War by Stephen R. Donaldson

J - Johansen, Iris; No One to Trust
J - Joyland by Stephen King

K - King, Stephen; 11/22/63
K - King, Stephen & Farris, John; Transgressions, Vol. 2

L - Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
L - Letts, Elizabeth; Family Planning
L - Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult
L - Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson

M - Midworld by Alan Dean Foster
M - Mission to Moulokin by Alan Dean Foster
M - Mid-Flinx by Alan Dean Foster
M - McCaffrey, Anne; Decision at Doona

N - Nix, Garth; Mister Monday
N - Nightmare by Steven Harper
N - New Spring by Robert Jordan

O - Offspring by Steven Harper
O - Orphan Star by Alan Dean Foster
O - The One Tree by Stephen R. Donaldson

P - Picture Perfect by Jodi Picoult
P - Phylogenesis by Alan Dean Foster
P - Picoult, Jodi; Nineteen Minutes
P - The Power That Preserves by Stephen R. Donaldson

Q - Quofum by Alan Dean Foster
Q - Quinnell, A.J.; The Blue Ring

R - Ravens of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
R - Reunion by Alan Dean Foster
R - Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb

S - Sword of Avalon by Diana Paxson
S - Sins of the Flesh by Don & Jay Davis

T - The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult
T - The Tar-Aiym Krang by Alan Dean Foster

U - Uhnak, Dorothy, Codes of Betrayal
U - Urchin of the Riding Stars by M.I. McAllister
U - Urchin and the Heartstone by M.I. McAllister

V - Voyage to the City of the Dead by Alan Dean Foster
V - Van Scyoc, Sydney; Assignment Nor'Dyren

W - The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
W - The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima
W - The Wounded Land by Stephen R. Donaldson

X - The X Factor by Bella Street
X - X Y Z:  A Detective Story by Anna Katharine Green

Y - Yorke, Margaret; Serious Intent
Y - Y.R. Choi; Kpop Club

Z - Zelazny, Roger; Nine Princes in Amber
Z - Zelazny, Roger; The Guns of Avalon

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