Title Fight Reading Challenge 2016
Hosted by The Bookshelf Gargoyle
Completed December 2, 2016
* Challengees must read at least one book from each category (listed below). Challengees must read a DIFFERENT book for each category – even if your book title might fit a number of categories, it will only count towards a single category. Challengees are free to choose which category best suits.
* Books selected can be from any genre and aimed at any age group. Picture books, anthologies, nonfiction, graphic novels and audiobooks are all okay to include.
* The categories listed are a loose guide and creative interpretation of the categories is not only encouraged, but applauded.
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The Categories
1. A book with something related to fighting in the title: Joust by Mercedes Lackey
2. A book with someone’s title in the title: Prince of Darkness by Sharon Kay Penman
3. A book with onomatopoeia in the title: Ticktock by Dean Koontz
4. A book with an object you might find in a boxing gym in the title: A Gift of Ice by James Dashner
5. A book with an injury: The Mangler from Stephen King Goes To The Movies by Stephen King
6. A book with an emotion in the title: Desolation Angels by James Axler
7. A book with a word or phrase implying victory in the title: The Conqueror Worm - see Daughter of Regals and Other Tales by Stephen R. Donaldson
I'm doing this one, too.