April 26, 2016

V ~ Voyage to the City of the Dead

Voyage to the City of the Dead by Alan Dean Foster is the 5th book in his Humanx Commonwealth series.  This series is quite long (something like 28 novels!) and I haven't finished it yet, but it's also great science fiction, especially the first half-dozen books.

The later books are good, but not quite as good as those first six.  If you'd like to give them a try, you should try to read them in order since they do follow a continuing story line.

You can find the chronological order of the books on his website under the topic 'Chrono Data'.


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by! As a fellow Final Fantasy fan I'm glad you found my page! I've had a rough April, but I plan to catch up on reading others' posts in the next few months, and you are on that list! :D Looks like a great list of books I need to check out.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am glad I found your blog too!

  2. It has been ages since I've read any of Foster's books. I'll have to check out the first one again.

    1. The first one is really good. Thanks for visiting!


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